About admin

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So far admin has created 2 blog entries.

Tuesday evening Yoga deLIGHT 7pm online

Dear friends I’m looking forward to sharing my practice with you tomorrow evening. If you are joining please kindly let me know before. By the way you can always just prepay and omit the email then I will know you are coming . Much love Namaste Muriel xx Tuesday evening 19:00-20:00 Yoga – to mobilise, [...]

2025-02-03T10:13:03+00:00Monday, 3 February 2025|0 Comments

Sunday morning online Yin Yoga reset 9:30-10:45

Dear friends Please cOMe and practice with me tomorrow morning to relax, restore, reflect, rejuvenate… Kindly let me know if you will be joining me. Much love Namaste, Muriel xx Sunday morning 9:30-10:45 Yin Yoga –to help you to let go of all the stress from the week, nurture, nourish, replenish, revitalise and rejuvenate all [...]

2025-02-01T09:54:10+00:00Saturday, 1 February 2025|0 Comments
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