Ghee is butter, which is cooked until clarified so that all the milk solids and
water are removed.
● Ghee increases Agni without increasing Pitta
● Ghee nourishes Ojas, the immune system and brings luster to the body
● Ghee contains beneficial essential fatty acids and can reduce blood
● Ghee does not contain the additives and solids that obstruct the
channels of the body
In a saucepan melt one pound or more of unsalted organic butter over medium to
medium low heat. Let it come slowly to a boil – don’t try to rush it. At first the
melted butter appears yellow and opaque. As it bubbles, solids will start to
clump together, sit on top of the melted butter, and cling to the side of the
pan. After about 10-15 minutes these solids will start to separate and
condense so that you can see down into the liquid. Slowly the butter will
become translucent and you will be able to see the bottom of the pan.
When the solids on the bottom of the pan start to brown and the liquid is
completely clear and golden, the ghee is done. Remove from the heat and let
it cool. Strain through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean, dry
glass jar.
Be sure to watch the ghee closely during the last 5 minutes. It can burn
quickly. If it burns a little bit the ghee is still fine. It will have a darker colour
and nuttier flavour.
Ghee remains semi-solid at room temperature and does not require
refrigeration. Keep the ghee jar closed and always use a clean dry spoon.
Water and food particles in the ghee can cause it to spoil.